Basics 2011 and some great resources...

May 11, 2011
I have attended the Basics Conference for eight years. The reason I return every year is because it is always well worth attending. I must say that this year was exceptional. Along with Alister Begg the speakers were John Dickson and Rico Tice. If you are unfamiliar with either Dickson or Tice I strongly recommend you familiarize yourself with their ministries.
John Dickson is an evangelist, historian, and pastor from Australia. He is author of numerous books and the founder of The Centre for Public Christianity.
Rico Tice is an associate minister at All Souls Langham Place (London) and is co-author of the outstanding Christianity Explored.
Here are some of the things being said about Christianity Explored:
“Christianity Explored offers a highly effective way to help unbelieving friends consider the claims of Christ for themselves, and to voice their comments and questions in a context of learning and discovery. An evangelistic study of Mark’s Gospel, it has energized and equipped many Christians to share their faith more effectively and comes with study materials that are attractive, succinct and to-the-point. It is sensitive to the objections, fears, and misapprehensions of unbelievers, showing respect and consideration for honest doubts and questions.”
- Alistair Begg, Senior Pastor, Parkside Church, Ohio
“What I welcome about the Christianity Explored course is that, in taking us through Mark’s Gospel, it emphasizes truths which are often neglected - like the gravity of sin, the centrality of the cross, the sufficiency of grace, and the necessity of repentance.”
- John Stott, Rector Emeritus, All Souls Church, London
"I wish every Church, every Sunday School Class, and every Small Group would use Christianity EXplored at least once a year. Then our churches might once again become what they were meant to be: God’s evangelistic society and network of spiritual maternity hospitals where we live in expectation that new Christians will be born.
- Sinclair Ferguson
Check out what Michael Horton writes about Christianity Expored HERE.
John Dickson is an evangelist, historian, and pastor from Australia. He is author of numerous books and the founder of The Centre for Public Christianity.
Rico Tice is an associate minister at All Souls Langham Place (London) and is co-author of the outstanding Christianity Explored.
Here are some of the things being said about Christianity Explored:
“Christianity Explored offers a highly effective way to help unbelieving friends consider the claims of Christ for themselves, and to voice their comments and questions in a context of learning and discovery. An evangelistic study of Mark’s Gospel, it has energized and equipped many Christians to share their faith more effectively and comes with study materials that are attractive, succinct and to-the-point. It is sensitive to the objections, fears, and misapprehensions of unbelievers, showing respect and consideration for honest doubts and questions.”
- Alistair Begg, Senior Pastor, Parkside Church, Ohio
“What I welcome about the Christianity Explored course is that, in taking us through Mark’s Gospel, it emphasizes truths which are often neglected - like the gravity of sin, the centrality of the cross, the sufficiency of grace, and the necessity of repentance.”
- John Stott, Rector Emeritus, All Souls Church, London
"I wish every Church, every Sunday School Class, and every Small Group would use Christianity EXplored at least once a year. Then our churches might once again become what they were meant to be: God’s evangelistic society and network of spiritual maternity hospitals where we live in expectation that new Christians will be born.
- Sinclair Ferguson
Check out what Michael Horton writes about Christianity Expored HERE.