World Vision

Maria Fearing and the Mission to the Congo If you think you are too old for something you wish to do, Maria Fearing can prove you wrong. She learned to read when she was 33 and became a missionary at 56. She would have continued until her death if the Presbyterian mission board hadn’t stopped her...
I am hoping this will be my final post on the subject of World Vision. But I wanted to mention just a few things I think we can learn from the recent broo-ha-ha . 1. Praise the Lord for repentance. I am truly grateful that Rich Stearns and the World Vision Board quickly responded to the outcry over...
By now you have heard that Richard Stearns, the president of World Vision announced that the Christian charitable organization has decided that homosexual sex (inside "marriage") is not sinful and that one can be a practicing homosexual and faithful follower of Jesus. For some reason, World Vision...
Franklin Graham released the following statement on World Vision's decision to endorse homosexual relationships: I was shocked today to hear of World Vision's decision to hire employees in same-sex marriages. The Bible is clear that marriage is between a man and a woman. My dear friend, Bob Pierce...
I am truly not shocked by the recent announcement by Rich Stearns that World Vision will now employ homosexuals so long as they are "married." Anyone paying attention to World Vision in recent years has noticed a gradual movement away from certain distinctives that once made evangelicalism...