Theological Method

Occasionally, I see and hear comments about the relationship between Reformed theology and the pagan world. Some are nervous and hesitant to appreciate non-Christian authors whereas others sometimes express deep appreciation and admiration for those who do not profess the faith but say things that...
There’s a new liberalism making its way through our churches and transforming our denominations. No, this liberalism doesn’t deny the virgin birth or the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection. This liberalism is steeped in biblical exegesis and historic-Reformed categories. Today’s liberalism attempts...
On a recent visit to a bookstore in Gothenburg, I came across an early edition of Bonaventure’s commentary on Lombard’s Sentences . The following week in Copenhagen I bought a 1586 edition of Thomas’s Summa . Re-visiting those works caused me to ask myself, “Where have all the theologians gone...
Famous statue guy
As international best-selling author Carl Trueman enjoys a few days among the “jet set” in Rome, faithful pastor and co-host Todd Pruitt sits down with guest Michael Allen. Dr. Allen serves as professor of systematic theology and academic dean at Reformed Theological Seminary Orlando. Despite his...
Hypo What? Our hosts Jonathan and James sit down together to discuss what to some may be a daunting topic—nevertheless, one that is important to get right. Hypostatic union refers to the union of the two natures of Christ in His person. The questions then are raised: How do these two natures...
It is hard to overstate the impact the late Francis Schaeffer has had through his writings, ministry and work of L’Abri , the study centre he and his wife established in Switzerland. He was a man for his times who provided a Christian response to the cultural mega shift that began in the Sixties...
“The guy upstairs.” “The big man in the sky.” These are just two of the more common, modern slang terms for God. Aside from being utterly irreverent, they transgress the Second Commandment of having no graven images of God in that they grossly mistake this important attribute of God: His...
The answer to Hamlet’s famous question “To be or not to be?” is simple for God. God can only “be.” He is “I am,” meaning He exists infinitely and independent of anything, without beginning or end, as the source and sustainer of all things. There has never been a time where God has not existed in...
Carl Trueman Articles
I have spent most of my life connected in some sense to Rome. At school and then at university, I was a Classics man. I preferred Greek tragedy to Roman comedy; but when it came to history, politics, poetry and oratory, I was a Rome man. Julius Caesar, Vergil, and, above all, the great Cicero, were...
Carl Trueman Articles
I have spent most of my life connected in some sense to Rome. At school and then at university, I was a Classics man. I preferred Greek tragedy to Roman comedy; but when it came to history, politics, poetry and oratory, I was a Rome man. Julius Caesar, Vergil, and, above all, the great Cicero, were...