
How should we respond to heresy? As we have seen in our previous article , the early Christian theologian Irenaeus of Lyons (c.130-c.200) is a great model here. There must be a robust theological response based on Scripture. And confessional parameters must be emphasized. But there must also be...
How should we respond to heresy? As we have seen in our previous article , the early Christian theologian Irenaeus of Lyons (c.130-c.200) is a great model here. There must be a robust theological response based on Scripture. And confessional parameters must be emphasized. But there must also be...
Ressourcement : retrieving our past for present faithfulness --true history in The Letter to Diognetus Imperial Rome, especially in the first two hundred years of its existence, was "obsessed with time" and its place in the flow of history.[1] This obsession with time was linked to a deep reverence...