Mortification of Spin

Mortification of Spin is on your smartphone! That's why it's smart.
"Major Pastor" Pruitt and "the Reverend Dr." Trueman condescend to welcome Tony Reinke to the podcast. He's a journalist, author, and senior teacher for Desiring God. Tony's focus on Christian theology and ethics has led him to write a number of books examining technology's influences, including...
It's a sin.
Jonathan Edwards characterized sin as an unbearable weight that—without the securing hand of God—would inevitably drag the unbeliever down a slippery slope into hell. In recent times, however, many have reduced sin to merely “missing the mark” or “experiencing brokenness.” In his new book, Canadian...
Family Worship
As newly-minted grandfather Carl Trueman settles into his cardigan sweater and comfortable shoes, the always-youthful and vibrant Todd Pruitt steps up to help welcome a special guest. Terry Johnson is the 34-year senior minister of Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, Georgia, and a...
Alone Again, Naturally.
No longer concerned about offending his boss, Carl welcomes his friend and fellow professor (and former Grove City provost) David Ayers for a return visit to the infamous virtual bunker. With a COVID-y Todd maintaining a few hundred miles of social distancing, the three sit down to discuss the...
Best-selling author (the Reverend Dr.) Carl Trueman steps away from his world book tour, condescending just long enough to share his thoughts with Todd Pruitt on the topics of institutional coffee mugs, Reformed seminaries, and the mujahideen. But it’s a different type of combatant on our co-hosts...
Time for everybody's FAA-A-AVORITE podcast!
Your favorite grumpy, middle-aged pod partners welcome a good friend, and—according to Carl—the mastermind behind the marketing and sales department at Banner of Truth publishing. Pat Daly has been one of the fast-moving wheels at Banner for quite some time, but—this coming summer—he’ll assume the...
The Metaverse Church
Keeping up with all that’s happening in the evangelical world is a real challenge! Today our intrepid hosts tackle one of the latest examples of dysfunction at the intersection of church and culture. This week’s head-shaker comes courtesy of Life Church, pastored by Craig Groeschel. It’s the newest...
Louisville, KY--and yes, Virginia, there IS a "Yum Center!"
Together for the Gospel (T4G) directors have announced that they will be meeting for the final time in 2022, triggering a wide-ranging discussion on parachurch organizations. Todd waxes nostalgic as he recalls the many years he attended T4G and how those conferences influenced his life and ministry...
After a few weeks of solo hosting chores, Carl and Todd are back together and ready to tackle some pressing current affairs. The hot button issues of the day include the notions of “personhood” and “identity” as represented by Revoice , the PCA study committee report, and the opposition to passing...
The Blessings of the Faith series recently published by P&R is a valuable resource highlighting the distinctives of the Presbyterian and Reformed faith. The series, written for Church laity as an introduction to Presbyterian ecclesiology and polity, is particularly helpful for Christians with...