
Growing up, I remember being clearly taught that to be a true man was to be godly and to strive for Christlikeness. We were taught that being a man is not summarized by “being macho”. It is not about how many weights you can lift, going hunting, or fixing cars. The quintessential quality of...
Recently, while I was helping one of my younger sons “do his business” in the men’s YMCA locker room after swimming and before taking a shower, I was reminded that God makes a basic gender distinction in the Bible by referring to the specific stance men assume while peeing: [1] 1 Samuel 25:22: So...
François and Christine Coillard – A Love Story When François Coillard first introduced himself as a teacher to the people of Leribé, in today’s Lesotho, they looked at him in disbelief. “The Teacher!” one of them said. “And what should he teach? He is a young man. He has neither wife nor beard.” [1...
If you were asked to identify the primary quality which defines a true man of God in his specific relation to a true woman of God - distinctively within the marriage relationship - what one-word answer might you give? What if the opposite question were asked: what single quality ought to...