
Love is the end ( telos ) of the apostles' teaching and the first apology for the faith (1 Tim. 1:5). Without love even the most celebrated preacher or apologist is just a noisy gong or clanging cymbal; by love even the least gifted believer can adorn the gospel, shame Christ's opponents, and...
I've been reading a good bit of Cormac McCarthy since late spring, when I have time for fiction anyway. McCarthy is a master of terse understated conversation and landscapes, and I happen to be a special admirer of landscapes--real and artistically rendered. But McCarthy is also a sharp observer...
John Webster
You can read the introduction to this series, which appears on a monthly basis, here ~ Editor I At the head of the apostle's list of the Spirit's fruits stands love, the principal virtue from which the others derive and of which they are extensions. If we are to come to understand the nature of...
John Webster
You can read the introduction to this series, which appears on a monthly basis, here ~ Editor I At the head of the apostle's list of the Spirit's fruits stands love, the principal virtue from which the others derive and of which they are extensions. If we are to come to understand the nature of...
I always try to act surprised, but when my children give me a gift, I can usually guess what it is. Last year's Father's Day proved to be no exception. My suspicions were first aroused when Jack made the following off-handed remark: "I told Mom that we could take your old glove to Goodwill." "...