Christians and social media

A recent dust up on Twitter has me asking, “Where are all the peaceable presbyters?” Several years ago, I had a personal Twitter account. It seemed like every PCA pastor was using it, and I felt like I was missing out on important debates and issues. I deleted my account after a fellow elder...
There are certain acceptable public sins in the Reformed world. In my experience, flattery is the acceptable sin on the popular conference circuit and in social media circles where people are angling for approval from their superiors. If you want to hear a good obituary of a living person, listen...
Welcome to Ref21! It probably sounds strange to be welcomed to a page that you have read for nearly twenty years! Ref21 has been a staple of daily Christian reading for literally thousands of believers. So, why act as if we are meeting for the first time? The answer is, we are. My name is Jeff...
Mortification of Spin is on your smartphone! That's why it's smart.
"Major Pastor" Pruitt and "the Reverend Dr." Trueman condescend to welcome Tony Reinke to the podcast. He's a journalist, author, and senior teacher for Desiring God. Tony's focus on Christian theology and ethics has led him to write a number of books examining technology's influences, including...
2 of the 3 pieces!
It’s been a banner year for great books, and the Spin Crew has chosen yet another winner! This time, Carl and Todd sit down with Eric Jacobsen, senior pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Tacoma, WI, and author of Three Pieces of Glass: Why We Feel Lonely in a World Mediated by Screens . What are...
I have a fourteen-year-old daughter with a cell phone. I remember back in the day, I would get in trouble for talking too long on my see-through, wired, Conair Phone. But now I join all the other parents navigating through unchartered territory when it comes to their child and social networking...
I have a fourteen-year-old daughter with a cell phone. I remember back in the day, I would get in trouble for talking too long on my see-through, wired, Conair Phone. But now I join all the other parents navigating through unchartered territory when it comes to their child and social networking...
I have a new post today over at Ref21 . It is a revamp version of an article I wrote for Housewife Theologian about 2 1/2 years ago. You'll see from the introduction why I am constantly returning to this subject. [caption id="attachment_2503" align="alignright" width="240"] Easier times.[/caption]...
I have a fourteen-year-old daughter with a cell phone. I remember back in the day, I would get in trouble for talking too long on my see-through, wired, Conair Phone. But now I join all the other parents navigating through unchartered territory when it comes to their child and social networking...