Andy Stanley

What Andy Stanley has forgotten is that conversion to Christianity involves a supernatural rebirth that requires the Word of God. Forgetting this essential truth has been the tendency of the seeker-sensitive church-growth movement. This vital truth is forgotten wherever sociology is given a higher...
Carl Trueman Articles
For this month's column, I thought I would offer a few reflections on Andy Stanley's recent book, Deep and Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend . Here's a classic passage which represents in miniature an entire universe of erroneous thinking. People are far more interested in...
Carl Trueman Articles
For this month's column, I thought I would offer a few reflections on Andy Stanley's recent book, Deep and Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend . Here's a classic passage which represents in miniature an entire universe of erroneous thinking. People are far more interested in...