Postcards from Palookaville

Postcards from Palookaville

I had the pleasure today of hearing Jim Garretson lecture on Archibald Alexander and the connection of piety and theology in Old Princeton. Jim is convinced that a failure to pay attention to practical piety in the lives of seminary professors and pastors is as much to blame for institutional and...
Yesterday , I reflected on the forgotten insight of Luther: not his development of the theology of the cross but rather his development of the idea of the theologian of the cross. Behind this idea, however, lies an even more profound and revolutionary idea: that of the God of the cross. The final...
One of my great hates—yes, I know, I have so many. Like Cardinal Newman, I am a 'great hater,' though while his focused on great personalities, mine focus more on disco music, American "sports,"and pastors of the arts/offshore investments/whatever is the latest trendy thing we are all supposed to...
Here are a handful of books worth asking someone to put in your Christmas stocking. David Van Drunen, Living in God's Two Kingdoms . David is, I suspect, conservative politically, but this book is a great antidote to those who wish to identify orthodoxy and their personal political convictions,...
Here are a handful of books worth asking someone to put in your Christmas stocking. David Van Drunen, Living in God's Two Kingdoms . David is, I suspect, conservative politically, but this book is a great antidote to those who wish to identify orthodoxy and their personal political convictions,...
Derek has asked what should be read this summer. Here's what I'm aiming to dispatch (and, in case you were wondering, he banned me from citing the Beano Annual as he tells me that is not published until November -- but it will no doubt be a good read when it comes): Two biographies of significant...
Derek has asked what should be read this summer. Here's what I'm aiming to dispatch (and, in case you were wondering, he banned me from citing the Beano Annual as he tells me that is not published until November -- but it will no doubt be a good read when it comes): Two biographies of significant...
...but hold the medicine. After yesterday's post, I received the following comment from my former secretary, proof positive that working for the Commissariat of Academic Affairs spoils even the best kids' movies (though I refuse to believe that any movie with the dance sequence `Knees Together,...
...but hold the medicine. After yesterday's post, I received the following comment from my former secretary, proof positive that working for the Commissariat of Academic Affairs spoils even the best kids' movies (though I refuse to believe that any movie with the dance sequence `Knees Together,...
Rachel Maddow reported on her show last night that Rick Warren's church has removed the statement on its website that indicates that unrepentant homosexuals cannot join as members. I cannot verify this, as I had never visited the website prior to the apparent removal of the statement. Rachel Maddow...