Preachers ought to tell the truth. I'm afraid that truth-telling may be an overlooked virtue when it comes to preaching. I'm not talking here about the obvious violators who claim to have healed people from AIDS and raised the dead without any verification. I'm not talking about those pastors who...
In recent weeks I have been preaching through Job. The series is not a verse-by-verse exposition but a thematic overview. I suspect the series will consist of nine sermons. However, I always reserve the right to call an audible. Preaching Job is a privilege. It is also quite challenging. Each week...
Among contemporary theologians there are two I would rather read than all others. One is J.I. Packer and the other is Donald MacLeod. Like Packer, Donald MacLeod knows that theology is ultimately not for the academy but for the church. His most recent title is Christ Crucified: Understanding the...
Over at Ref21 I have posted my final piece in the series on battered pastors.
In this, may final post in the series, I am picking up where I left off in part 4... 4. Devote time to reading works by and about battered pastors. All pastors need companions. This is especially true for the battered pastor who, out of a sense of shame, will draw inward into isolation. It is in...
In a recent article posted at The Daily Beast , Dr. Karl Giberson laments that there are vocal elements within the CRC (Christian Reformed Church) who still believe the Bible and their own confession of faith concerning human origins. In an article filled with troubling statements, Giberson's final...
On Wednesday of General Assembly, the Gospel Reformation Network sponsored a luncheon with Derek Thomas as the featured speaker. His subject was sanctification. It is an address that is desperately needed in the church today. As recent months have proven, it is desperately needed within the PCA...
Each of the titles in this post have my enthusiastic recom mendation. There are others that could easily be added to this list, but the following will get us started: Taking God At His Word by Kevin DeYoung This title earned my coveted and highly publicized "Most Important Book of the Year Award."...
Liberate (Tullian Tchividjian's outfit) seems to be morphing rather quickly into a denomination complete with a directory of churches . Pause for a long sigh... What is it these days with pastors feeling the need to lead movements? In seeing the Liberate site today, a friend asked me what sadly...
It is a wickedness of massive proportions when children are sexually abused. However, when a child is used for the sexual gratification of a spiritual leader within the church the evil passes into the realm of the indescribable. Sadly this particular manifestation of evil has lurked within the...