Strength from Weakness

No words can express the sadness I have felt upon news of the failing health of David Powlison. Dr. Powlison has been one of the great gifts God has given to the church. His book Seeing Through New Eyes is one of the most formative biblical counseling books I have read. Dr. Powlison was invited to address the student body of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia for their graduation on May 23, 2019. Unable to attend due to his illness, he sent along a speech which he had prepared to be read on his behalf. In it, he said,
"Romans 8:26 [speaks] about how the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness...that "weakness" is singular. It does not say "weaknesses" as if there were a finite list of sins A-B-C, and sufferings X-Y-Z in your life. "Weakness" singular is a comprehensive description of our human condition. We are perishable. We are mortal. We face a multitude of afflictions in our lives. And we are sinful, bent from the heart towards pride, self-righteousness, fear of man, and a multitude of desires and fears that beset us. The mercies of God meet us in this comprehensive condition of weakness...The right kind of strength comes from the right kind of weakness."
I encourage everyone to take the time to read this short message. We are all so very weak. We are all so very frail. We are all so very sinful. Yet, we have a God who loves to display His strength in our weakness. You can read the full message here (posted June 3, 2019).