New Issue of Ref21

Be sure to check out the front pages as a new issue of Ref21 was posted this afternoon.

Yes, I'm back. Sort of. I had been enjoying a few days away with my brand new granddaughter and upon returning through Newark airport, my laptop (and house keys, car keys etc) was stolen. There I was, rechecking my bags courtesy of the new security measures and suddenly I'm yelling at the top of my voice, "Who has my laptop?"

It's all been a bit of trial: I hadn't backed up in 3 months! Yes, CT, you're saying, "Welshmen!" And I'll take whatever rebuke is coming, do whatever acts of penance are necessary, but please can I have my work back? Especially the thirteen chapters of a book I'd been working on!

It's worse than you think, but a week later, I'm a little calmer about it all.