Men's Health and Mortification

Rodders, Del Boy sent me an SMS from the local barber's shop. He's been reading that monthly journal for men called Men's Health (December 2006)-- never seen it myself, you understand. Anyway, he was reading this article on some dude called Josh Duhamel (sounds fictitious to me right enough). Seems like it contained a section called "Stop Sin Before it Begins" and he swears he thought it was written by you! Think it was the John Owenesque allusion that got him. Seems "Josh" was suggesting that instead of tucking into a pint of Ben and Jerry's before bed, for the sake of those abs you should try fat-free yogurt with some almonds! Knew immediately it must have been by Justin Taylor. Can't think you've touched almonds in a while. Anyway, have a good weekend. I'm off to buy some Ben & Jerry's for the weekend.