John Stott's Swan Song?

51umq0Is5FL._SL500_AA300_[1].jpgJohn Stott's latest book, The Radical Disciple, has just been released in the USA (I think its been available in the UK for a while). Published by IVP, this has all the marks of a collector's piece about it.

Cards on table: I love John Stott. I only met him a couple of times and I doubt he knows I exist, but I know he does. I owe my spiritual conversion (from a human point of view) to John Stott.  Back in December of 1971 I read Basic Christianity and was instantly converted. Hardly a week goes by and I don't think about it and thank God for the sweet providence that brought that book into my hands.

The Radical Disciple purports to be Stott's last book.  He is 88, and in a postscript (which is simultaneously matter of fact and moving) he explains why. He even gives us information as to what will happen to his personal library after his death whilst encouraging us to keep on reading books. (Stott, I fear, does not possess a Kindle).

We will miss these books and treasure the ones we have all the more. 

Thank you Dr. Stott for all that you have done and for being a model of how to be a Christian gentleman. You have stood firm all these years and we count you a treasure.

And what of The Radical Disciple? As the subtitle makes clear, Stott writes on aspects of "neglected" Christianity -- Nonconformity (no, he hasn't become a Baptist! He means counter-cultural), Christlikeness, Maturity (a moving chapter, indeed), Simplicity, Balance, Dependance and Death. Oh, and there's one that American Christians will divide over -- Creation Care -- reflecting Dr. Stott's on-going concern for the carbon footprint and how conservative Christians should respond.

I thoroughly recommend it.