John Craig (1512-1600): From Roman Convict to Scottish Reformer (With Some Help from a Dog)

John Craig might hold first place among unjustly forgotten
figures of the Scottish Reformation. Craig merits attention not only for the noteworthy
contribution he made to the progress of Protestantism in his native country
following its official embrace of reform in 1560, but also for his rather
remarkable biography. Indeed, Craig may very well possess the most interesting
story of any Protestant reformer, Scottish or otherwise, that I have ever met
Craig was born in 1512 in a small north-eastern village near
Aberdeen, and lost his father at the Battle of Flodden one year later. He earned his M.A. at St. Andrews sometime
around 1530, and after a brief stint as a tutor to the children of nobility,
returned to St. Andrews and joined the Dominican Order. In 1536 he made his way
to England with the apparent hope of securing a teaching post at Cambridge.
Failing in this, he traveled to Rome, where he made a good impression on
Cardinal Reginald Pole and managed to secure a position as Master of Novices to
the Dominicans in Bologna.
Craig's teaching role in the Dominican monastery granted him
access to the library of the Roman Inquisition, and at some point in the 1550s,
while taking advantage of that privilege, he stumbled across an early edition of
John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. Craig read
Calvin's work and embraced the doctrine he found therein, which, needless to
say, put him in an awkward spot. Sometime shortly after this he apparently confessed
his evangelical convictions to an elderly monk in his order. The aged monk responded
that he shared Craig's sympathy towards reforming ideas, but encouraged Craig
to keep his mouth shut for his own safety.
But Craig, rightfully overjoyed at his new-found
understanding of the gospel, couldn't quite manage that task. His desire to
tell others what he had discovered eventually led to his arrest and trial at
the hands of that very institution -- the Roman Inquisition -- that had
unwittingly provided him access to the reforming views of Calvin. Craig was
found guilty of heresy and imprisoned in a cell in the basement of the Roman Palazzo dell'
Inquisizone. The Palazzo apparently bordered the Tiber, which at that time
lacked the stone embankments which today keep the river in check, and Craig's
cell, according to one source, regularly filled with waist-high water, adding
considerably (one imagines) to the unpleasantness of imprisonment and impending death.
Following nine months of imprisonment, Craig's execution
date was set for August 19th. The evening before he was scheduled to
die, however, Pope Paul IV, who had been instrumental in the establishment of
the Roman Inquisition in the 1540s and had, as Pope, considerably inflated its authority
and activities, died. Paul IV was a decidedly unpopular person in Rome, not
least because of the far-reaching powers he had given the Inquisition. As news
of his death circulated, the Roman people naturally convened outdoors to
celebrate. They subjected Paul IV's recently erected statue in the Piazza del
Campidoglio to a mock trial and, having found the same guilty of one thing or another,
decapitated the marble Pope, dragged his body through the streets, and finally
cast him into the river. Their taste for rioting and revenge having merely been
whetted, they then sacked (and eventually burned) the Palazzo dell' Inquisizone,
murdered the resident Inquisitor and beat up his underlings, and freed
seventy-plus persons who were currently imprisoned in the Palazzo's cells,
including Craig.
Thus freed from prison in the nick of time, Craig sets his sights
on Italy's northern border. Eventually he reached Vienna, helped on his way
there by two remarkable persons. The first was a soldier who stumbled on Craig
and other refugees of the Inquisition hiding in an abandoned building in the
Roman suburbs. This particular soldier had spent time in Bologna some years
earlier after receiving wounds in battle, and had at one time approached Craig
for help and had received considerable kindness from him. He immediately recognized
Craig, and though he should by all rights have arrested him, instead helped him
on his way. The second - a "person" in the loose sense of the word -- was a dog
who approached Craig in northern Italy while he was resting by a small pool in
the woods. Rather unexplicably, the dog was carrying a small purse full of gold coins in
its mouth, and delivered the same to Craig as if on a mission. Craig employed these funds to complete his escape over the Alps. (Somewhat intriguingly, a
late sixteenth-century Roman Catholic polemicist named John Hamilton recounted
this story in a smear campaign he waged against Protestant Reformers. He added
some detail, claiming that Craig's canine benefactor was completely black, and
therefore most clearly an incarnation of the devil. Who else, after all, would
come to the assistance of a Dominican-turned-Calvinist on the run from the
Roman church?)
After a short time in Vienna recuperating, Craig made his
way back to Scotland via Germany and England. He arrived shortly after his
native country had officially embraced Protestantism, and immediately offered
his services to the newly Reformed Kirk. In 1561 Craig was installed as Minister
of Holyrood Palace. Several months later Mary Queen of Scots returned to
Scotland and took up residence in the same. Given Mary's preference for Roman
Catholicism (albeit reluctance to reverse the Kirk's recent reforms), one
presumes that Craig's services were rarely requested in Holyrood. The following
year he received a charge as Assistant Minister of St. Giles in Edinburgh, and
served alongside John Knox there for nine years. He subsequently held charges
in Montrose and Aberdeen, but in 1579 he returned to Holyrood to serve as King
James VI's chaplain. He eventually died in Edinburgh in 1600, at the ripe age of
Craig's influence on the course of reform in Scotland
extended far beyond his ministerial charges. In 1580 he authored, at King James's
request, the "King's Confession" (a.k.a. "Negative Confession"), a short
declaration of Protestant convictions vis-a-vis Roman Catholic errors that
eventually served as the basis of the National Covenant in 1638. He also authored
numerous catechisms. The most famous of these, published in 1581 and titled "A
Shorte Summe of the Whole Catechisme," eventually rivaled Calvin's catechism
for popularity and use in Scotland, at least until the 1640s when the
Westminster Shorter Catechism effectively rendered Craig's catechism and others
Craig's catechisms would merit a modern edition. They are
noteworthy, particularly in comparison to the WSC, for the conciseness of both their
questions and answers, and for the color of Craig's prose. They reflect the spirit
and matter of that book which so profoundly changed the course of Craig's life
in Bologna in the 1550s, Calvin's Institutes.
Here's a brief sample, in which Craig discusses union with Christ and its
Q. What is the first
fruit of our faith?
A. By it we are made
one with Christ our Head.
Q. How is this union
made, and when?
A. When we are made
flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bones.
Q. Was not this done
when he took our flesh?
A. No, for he only
then was made flesh of our flesh.
Q. When are we made
flesh of his flesh?
A. When we are united
with him spiritually, as lively members with the head.
Q. What thing get we
by this union?
A. We are made partakers
of all his graces and merits, and our sins are imputed to him and abolished.
Q. What thing
followeth upon this in special?
A. Perfect
justification, and peace of conscience.
Amen to that.