"Phasing" Back to Church

As many states' governments are talking about a “phased” reopening from the COVID-19 lockdown, our quarantined trio –bound in three different states—is asking some important questions concerning going back to church. When might Christians be able to congregate in person? How will we “do church” as social distancing concerns remain? And, what might we discover when we finally gather?
The crew considers the ethical dilemma of obeying governing authorities in accordance with the dictates of Romans 13 when—in some cases—such civil obedience might lead to Scriptural disobedience. How might the job of shepherding the flock change for church leaders in these days of new spiritual pathologies and—potentially—difficult financial struggles.
Can we get back to normal now? Then again, what is “normal?” Listen to the end and enjoy the encouraging words of God’s promise to his people. And hear why our Englishman Carl, who has always believed that hugging should be banned, is "living the dream!"
Register for the opportunity to win a copy of the wonderful resource, Living in God’s Two Kingdoms by David VanDrunen. The books are a gift from our friends at Crossway.