We've been carrying Trueman too long............ & bringing unity to Ref21

Carl gave me the best advice when I joined Ref21 and was nearly immediately involved in Krankie-gate: Resign early and often. I trust the spirit of Trueman will live on.
There is a difference between a network of congregations and a connectional church. That difference comes in the principle of mutual relation expressed through practices of review and control, which are at the heart of Presbyterianism While a network of congregations may or may not notice or care when a sister church is going astray - or they may care but remain powerless to do anything - biblical Presbyterianism has processes in place to deal with issues. And while some in a network of churches may view their alliance as a temporary means toward a desired end, those who believe that Presbyterianism is biblical would say that the connection, the unity, that our churches share cannot be cast aside so easily. To leave such a connection thoughtlessly or without sufficient biblical grounds would be schism. Because schism is a ''formal and wilful separation from the unity of the church,'' it must rest upon profoundly doctrinal grounds in which the very gospel itself is at stake. Presbyterianism serves as a biblical polity to express in a visible fashion the unity of Christ's church.
(What is Church Government? p27)