Knox who?

Paul Levy
About 2 years ago I was in the US and was raving about Ralph Davis and how I hope he'll keep writing in retirement. I remember the first time I read Ralph Davis. It was like finding water in a desert land. The guy I was speaking to (the legend that is Pat Davey) said if you like Ralph Davis, you should try Knox Chamblin. I'd never heard of him but when I returned from the US my Assistant said to me that he was reading this outstanding 2 volume commentary on Matthew by a guy called Knox Chamblin. It was published by CFP who specialise in publishing good books but not telling anyone they've done so.
Anyway the long and the short of it is, for the last while I've been listening to Knox Chamblin's lectures on the New Testament which are available from Third Millennium. There are about 80 lectures and I recently got hold of his book 'Paul and the Self', which is outstanding. It was published by Baker in 1994 and is available from Wipf and Stock at some crazy price. It's the fruit of over 30 years teaching about Paul and is pure gold for pastors. Dr Chamblin taught New Testament at Belhaven College and RTS Jackson.
It is unlikely there'll be any new material as he died in 2012 but what he's left behind is first rate and it's a shame his work is not more widely known.