We'll keep a welcome in the hillside...

Paul Levy
Last Sunday we had a session over lunch for those involved in welcoming at our congregation. Penny Chew (it is her real name) who has the gift of greeting (!) gave our folk a number of top tips and others weighed in.
1. Approach people, welcome them, don't wait for them to come to you.
2. Show new people to their seats. If you're worried about it ask them, 'Would you like me to show you to your seat?'
3. If you can, sit them next to someone who will talk to them and turn to them after the service.
4. Liase with chair helpful people! There are people in every church who are not particularly helpful when it comes to chairs and where they sit but there are also people who are great at giving up their seats and getting more seats out. They will be a great help particularly with latecomers who are often visitors.
5. We meet on a Sunday morning in a school hall and so the sound is not great. Get the older people to the front and keep the end of aisles for those with buggies.
6. Ask folk if they need a lift somewhere after the service.
7. We have people who give hospitality each Sunday, know who they are and offer it to outsiders.
8. Realise that greeting doesn't end with the call to worship. Look out for outsiders after the service and aim to speak with them.
9. We have children in church and Sunday School happens prior to the service. We also have activity sheets for children relating to the sermon during the service. Try and speak with new families and explain this or get the minister or whoever is leading the service to welcome and explain what happens in our church service to families.
I realise the mere mention of the word gift in this post will attract publicity away from what John MacArthur and Mark Driscoll are trying to achieve. I apologise to both brothers if any limelight has been taken off either of them.