July 4th

July 4, 2013
It's the Fourth of July and I applaud the greatest country on earth; I honor my Scots-Irish forebears that under waves of persecution in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries went in waves over the ocean to plant Presbyterian churches in the Carolina's, in Pennsylvania and further west; I am grateful to God that Huguenots from France and the Reformed from Continental Europe found a peaceful place to settle and pursue their Reformed religion; and that these United States became the power house of missionary endeavor in the 19th and 20th centuries. Whether the rest of Christendom likes it or not they would be in enormous difficulties were it not for American leadership and largesse! Of course for my ancestors in Scotland and Ireland the great bugbear was the giant appendage to the south of Scotland. The people on that peninsula had a particular allergy to a thoroughgoing Reformed Church and launched various efforts to destroy it including evicting Presbyterian and Puritan pastors from their churches. What delicious irony it was then, when London newspapers dubbed the colonial revolt in North America 'the presbyterian rebellion!' On this July 4th my prayer is that God would bless this nation and preserve the freedoms that allow the people of God to pursue the worship of God in Christ in peace and promote the gospel in peace. Oh God, in your mercy, bless this people with your truth and your salvation. Amen