Oh to Grace How Great a Debtor -- A Reply to Tullian Tchividjian
December 4, 2012
I was glad to see some some constructive dialogue in the comments section of Tullian Tchividjian's reply to my critique of his article on total depravity and Christians. Let me say at this point (even though I look forward to the day when such statements are not necessary) that: 1) I bear no ill will to Tullian nor was I launching a personal attack against him; 2) I wrote an article expressing concern about something he had written, not heresy charges in a court of the church; and 3) it has been my impression that the whole point of blogging is to stimulate useful thinking among Christians. This is why I engaged in a public response to a public article rather than private dialogue.
Being something of an internet veteran, I was not surprised, however, to see that it took only three comments to Tullian's reply for one of his supporters to accuse me of sin. I hope in this response to allay such concerns and hopefully to advance constructive dialogue further.